Estonia, Internet, Legislation, Technology

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Saturday, 27.07.2024, 07:50

OSCE recommends Estonia to regulate e-voting in more detail

Juhan Tere, BC, Tallinn, 17.05.2011.Print version
OSCE/ODIHR that monitored the 12th Riigikogu elections in Estonia published its report on the elections on Monday, writes LETA/Postimees Online. The organisation recommends to supplement and specify the legislation governing e-voting.

OSCE also recommends Estonia to document more thoroughly different processes involving e-voting and to increase public’s awareness of different nuances of e-voting.


According to the report, e-voting has in general received high level of confidence from the public and has been organised in a professional and secure manner by the Government’s Elections Committee.


The organisation noted that the Riigikogu elections were carried out in compliance with the international standards and agreements and by involving all parties in equal manner. OSCE estimated that Estonian Elections Act allows for democratic elections to be carried out and valued highly the organisational part of the elections.


The report also pointed out the issues regarding prisoners’ voting rights, non-citizens’ membership in political parties and guaranteeing media equality during elections.


The Government Elections Committee recognised the work of observers working under OSCE and stated that it will thoroughly analyse the options for implementing the recommendations.

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