Cooperation, Estonia, Technology

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Saturday, 27.07.2024, 08:05

Qatar interested in Estonia's e-voting system

Juhan Tere, BC, Tallinn, 14.04.2010.Print version
A delegation from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Qatar is on a three-day visit to Tallinn in order to learn about e-developments in Estonia, in particular the e-voting project, writes LETA/Postimees Online.

The visitors have held working meetings with the National Elections Committee where they were given a comprehensive overview of the e-voting practices used in Estonia thus far.


“We are glad that Estonia’s experiences in the field of electronic voting are gaining increasing interest on the international arena and are implemented on an ever wider basis,” commented the chairman of the National Elections Committee Heiki Sibul.


Along with the minister of regional affairs Siim Kiisler, the delegation from Qatar learned about Estonia’s population register and electronic solutions used in the police authorities.


“It is our task to contribute to successful and smart IT solutions developed by Estonian companies finding their market abroad and thus create jobs in Estonia,” said the minister.

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